Purpose Driven Adventure | Millennials and Volunteerism
Millennials are looking for authenticity in their entertainment and this filters into their vacation choices, lifestyle choices, and hobbies. With activism on the rise, Millennials are looking towards purpose driven adventures that allow them to participate in a movement that they see as being beneficial to the community while socializing.
According to an Associated Press poll of 1,044 adults, 29% aged 18-34 agreed that they have a "very important obligation" to volunteer. In 1984 only 19% of 18-34-year-olds felt the same duty. Millennials understand this and have developed apps and volunteer travel organizations with authentic experiences, short-term commitment, and engagement being a key motivator.
Small frequent acts of purpose on the go? There's an app for that.
DEED was developed to be the "Uber" of volunteering. Social volunteering that allows you to build a profile, invite friends and share your output on social media.
Journey - Travel with Purpose, works to help meet the needs of having an authentic experience while traveling and engaging in a new culture through volunteerism.
"Journey creates impact travel experiences to international and domestic destinations. Projects range from building homes, skateparks & soccer fields, to beautifying schools & creating clean water systems. The travel experience is designed around self-growth, community development, exploration & having fun, achieved through local immersion."
Surf for Life / Hope Corps
Surfers travel, they are always exploring new cultures and looking for a new unknown break. They engage with the community while on this search, My Hope Corps has evolved this explorer's mentality into affecting positive change within the communities they travel to. My Hope Corps gives you an epic surf trip and the opportunity to fundraise and volunteer to help build a school, work on clean water systems, update a health clinic, or a community center.
Millennials want to be involved in their communities, they want to affect change and enjoy the journey. As Millennials enter the workforce and take Sr positions, corporations are taking note and offering volunteer days, group volunteer outings, and support for fundraising.
Via Millennial Impact
Lifestyle Brands can partner with a social volunteerism app, or a volunteer travel group to shine a light on these organizations and encourage more community engagement.